Chocolate Smoothie - raw and vegan

Chocolate Smoothie - raw and vegan

Chocolate smoothie

Smoothies and juices are rather the staple diet of a raw foodie.

I have done posts on smoothies before, but we have improved, and I decided to share
our favourite smoothies and juice over the next few posts.

Also, we had Karen's parents staying with us for three weeks over the festive season.
Whether they wanted it or not they got well smoothied and juiced up, and seemed to love it and thrive on them!

Chocolate smoothies

Our four favourite smoothies are - chocolate, berry, melon and a green one, while our favourite juice is a green juice.

This week - the chocolate smoothie, with some variation suggestions.

Of course you do need a good high speed blender.

Chocolate smoothie basic ingredients

Ingredients -

2 bananas
about 6 pitted dates, soaked overnight
1 1/2 C soy milk
some stevia tablets or stevia liquid
1 1/2 heaped T raw cacao powder
1 T mesquite powder
1 T maca
1 T cacao nibs
1/2 t cinnamon powder
a little extra water

Blend all ingredients together in the blender, pour and enjoy.

Some variations -

Use a different milk - eg almond or rice milk or any nut milk of your choice.
Use a different superfood instead of the maca - eg lucuma or baobab powder
My favourite is to add a spoonful of peanut butter
A dash of vanilla adds a little 'something'
Increase the creaminess by adding a lump of cacao paste
If you do not need to be vegan, use honey as a sweetener instead of stevia.

Couple of other notes -

Keep a bowl of pitted dates soaking in the fridge.
You can freeze bananas - when they are ripe, peel and cut into about 5 pieces. Lay out on a chopping board and freeze. When frozen, take the pieces off the board and store in the freezer in a bag. (this way they don't freeze as a great big lump).

Bon apetit.

A different smoothie next week.

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